

Sasuke's Death


Hi everyone and welcome to another anime review session. I'm really excited for this one so without any further ado, I'm gonna get right into it while all the content is fresh in my mind.
In this episode of Boroto Sakura is captured by Shin and this weird creepy dude they call "Father". This Father dude plans to revive the Akatsuki as he believes that that is what Itachi wanted. He wants war and hatred to be back in this world and hates the world where everything is at peace. After a little talk Sakura gets real mad and just goes off to fight with him and after a loooong time, she gets stabbed in the arm by Fathers weird metal thingy. Well anyway, Sasuke comes in with Sarada and stops the dude from causing any further damage to Sakura with his Amaterasu. They fight for a little more and then............................................................................................................................................

alright so Sasuke just gets stabbed in the chest and then ...well he didn't really get hurt.  After a little more fighting Sasuke teleports Sakura in front of the Father and her "cha"s" him and he's gone. Later hundreds of shins come of hiding and Naruto grabs hold of the main shin and shows him the nine tales(Kurama) inside him. Seeing this shin nearly pees his pants. Too scared to do anything he kinda freezes and Naruto decides to take all the shins to the orphanage and they all live happily ever after...

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