

The biggest Dragon Ball theory?

  • The One (2001): Travel between parallel universes in the Multiverse is possible by using "quantum tunnelling" technology, but restricted and policed by the Multiverse Authority (MVA). Alternate versions or "Multiverse Counterparts" (MVCs) of all living persons are connected by an "energy string." Gabriel Yu-Law, a rogue, former MVA agent learns that killing alternate versions of himself in parallel universes divides the "energy" among the surviving MVC's and subsequently embarks on a mission to kill all of his MVC's in order to gain ultimate power and become "The One." He travels to what appears to be our universe to kill his last remaining MVC, Gabriel Law. The task becomes exceedingly more difficult as Law realizes that the energy he shares with Yu-Law has given them both super-human strength and agility.
  • Charmed, there exists an alternate dimension where all the evil are good and all the good are evil. The reason for this given that there has to be balance in the universe, so there can never be an area where everything is all good and one where it is all bad as this would affect the grand design of life. So for every good thing that the Charmed Ones do for good in this world, it is done for evil in another to keep things balanced. Mostly, everything occurs exactly the same way, mirroring the real world. Some differences are that all Whitelighters are Darklighters and vice versa, and that The Underworld is a Garden of Eden-like paradise. The Demon of Fear is the Demon of Hope, and Wyatt Halliwell faces a future in which he turns good one day as opposed to one where he turns evil. Some figures, such as the morally ambiguous Gideon, remain largely similar.

Guys just read those too. If you're an actual DBZ fan you'll get what I mean. Te highlited lines especially sound just like DBZ.

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