Dragon Ball Superrevealed an important new transformation called ultra instinct in Goku this week.This feature allows the user to fight without even thinking which makes them unbeatable. Also, this is a technique that is incredibly difficult to master.Despite Goku fighting Jiren using this incredible power he was still unable to beat him which without any double would raise a question is everyones mind.
Does Jiren possess the ultra instinct ?
The main reason why this theory is even here is that Jiren was able to fight goku without any surprise "without even flinching". Since Jiren is said to be more powerful than most gods of destruction, it is very likely that Jiren not only knows how to use this new technique he has already mastered it.The other proof about Jiren possessing Ultra instinct is a mastered level is that he is fast and can fight Goku without showing any visual changes, much like Beerus and Whis.
Why Jiren is NOT Using Ultra Instinct
Now that we have discussed why Jiren possess the ultra instinct lets look into a few things that suggest that he does not possess such power.First off, Looking at how the Gods of destruction were so shocked by a mortal possessing ultra instinct, including"Belmond" it is very clear that Jiren is not using ultra instinct.One of the theories actually states that Jiren is telepathic which is why no one could fight him and Goku could finally land some blows in his new form.
What do you think: Is Jiren a master of Ultra Instinct or does he get his powers from elsewhere?
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