

Guide to watching anime


"What the f***?, Is this dude crazy or what?"
I know these are the things that most of you are thinking and I get where you come from. Just bear with me for 10 minutes. 10 minutes of your time and the way you watch anime will change for the rest of your life. Before I scare all my readers off, let me list a few problem that all otakus face while watching anime :

1. body ache 
2. eye strain
3.  difficulty in finding a comfortable "anime binging" position

And what do all these problems result in?
Well, let me list those too:

1. Hunchback
2. eye strain 
3. fatigue
4. headache
5. nausea 

And if you don't want to end up with  thicc glasses with -10 power or an ugly ass posture, you better stick till the end and read something useful for once.

So now,without any further ado, lets get into the actual content.

All of us who have watched anime have had times where we plan on watching like 50 episodes of one piece  or any other anime just to catch up with the darn thing and ended up watching like 10 episodes instead. If you haven't had that experience, you can go somewhere else. This isnt for you. But if you have, which I know, most of you have, then this is the right place for you.

Now that I have listed all the problems, lets get to the solution. 

lets deal with the uncomfortable position first. in order to avoid the uncomfortable position do the following :

"1. Sit in a relaxed and supported position so that you are not "hunching" over your phone, and so that you have something holding you up/supported so that your muscles don't have to (a good chair, pillows, a rock, whatever)
2. Lay the phone on your lap so that you are not holding the phone up with your hand/arm; try to relax them at your sides/lap.
3. Try not to lean your head down/forward so you can avoid neck strain; use your eye position to read the phone. Let the head/neck rest against something (furniture, etc.) 

* The main idea is to have your body not exerting itself much to maintain the posture for the activity you are requiring it to do.  If you ignore this, the muscles experience fatigue and then strain, which produces pain and weakness.  While using your "device", whatever it is, wherever it is, close your eyes for a moment and feel which areas of your body are tensing to maintain the posture. " [QUORA



Here are some great products that simplify the problems in a great way. Better to buy there for like 20 bucks instead or spending 1000's of dollars on a back surgery or an eye surgery later on.

1.  Avantree Cell Phone Clip Holder

This is a great product for watching anime or movies. Basically anything. This product clips onto your bed and a extender holds the phone for you while you lay down and binge watch anime.

Or you could get one of these:

Eye strain solution:

Most of us watch anime at night with all the lights turned off because there is no glare or any of that problem with the screen but this is absolutely terrible for your eyes. In order to prevent that I suggest using a dim light and maintaining ti distance between you eyes and screen. Also, take a 5 minute break for like every three episodes and look away from the screen from time to time. 


Well, thats all guys. If you thought that this guide was helpful please share it. You might know all this stuff but hopefully if helped. If you are going to buy any of the products do so with the links above and no I'm not a salesperson. lol.
well, ill be back with more content later.

Thanks for sticking until the very end. 

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