

Luffy Bounty after defeating Katakuri

Luffy Bounty after defeating Katakuri:

Hi OP fans,
today I have some amazing news for you and I know you will get goosebumps reading this post so make sure to stick till the very end and don't forget to share this post for more amazing news that are yet to come.

One Piece recently released a new chapter in their manga called "The Fifth Emperor" and its probably one of the best manga chapters ever. the chapter takes place after Lufy and his crew escape the whole cake island leaving the Big Mom pirates speechless. As they are leaving the ship the newspaper and the bounty posters start to come in. Thats when we come to know that sanjis bounty has gone up to 330,000 and this make zero "moss head" pretty pissed. During this scene luffy, is sitting is a corner super depressed.When he is asked about why he's depressed he responds saying, "my bounty has gone down to 150,000" but then brook takes a look at luffys bounty poster and finds out that……………Luffy had missed some 0's. quite a few actually….
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