

Charlotte review anime

What did I think of Charlotte?

Charlotte can be depicted like a Golden Corral buffet table: you come in the hungry and with elevated standard, and its pressed to the overflow with a wide range of things you adore and perceive, for example, childish Lelouch esque hero, the truth of Chuunibyou, the (endeavored) feels and moe of Clannad, the cleverness of Angel Beats!, a Kokoro Connect set-up, siscom, time-travel, tsundere, yandere, super powers, Slice of Life, light-gut, pop symbol tunes, love admissions, and so on. You read right; this show has yandere characters. This show is stuffed to the overflow with cool themes, yet you're just ready to leave with a tired sentiment lament post-fling. As you've most likely heard innumerable circumstances, Charlotte has an underhanded idea, stellar OP, and is going by the general population who brought you Angel Beats! furthermore, Clannad. On the off chance that you resembled me and didn't realize that before getting Charlotte yet rather just idea 'Hello that synopsis appears to be super cool, let's do this', well obviously you will know by the end where Charlotte is originating from and whats its going for.

As I stated, I went poorly Charlotte knowing its makers, however, I have seen and tend to like both Angel Beats! also, Clannad. That being stated, there were various circumstances in which I felt treated to with a couple of gestures to those shows. Be that as it may, at that point those 'slight gestures' started to end up noticeably out and out re-using of Key's old substance. Particularly I'm discussing the baseball scene. What is their fixation of everything being settled by baseball in anime? Of course, it was cool and crisp in Angel Beats! also, Clannad, however this is the third arrangement of theirs (and like the fifth arrangement adds up to) I've found in which the principal characters need to join a baseball association with a specific end goal to settle some kind of question. Would it truly be that difficult for them to play one of the many different games related recreations so we would, at any rate, be dealt with to new substance? And after that, there is the entire outdoors scene, which is again something reused from Angel Beats with the angling scene. Or, on the other hand, the dongos Yu eats. Also, the popular icon set up and music incorporation. Additionally, the entire getting secured a fortification arrangement. Kidnappings. And so on. The contention here isn't that the aggregate of Charlotte is simply re-purposed Angel Beats!/Clannad material, however, there's such an extensive amount Charlotte that doesn't appear to be unique that it begins to lose its own particular way of life as a show.

Be that as it may, when Charlotte is setting up itself, it does as such through sucker punches to your chest that thump the whole hotshot its feet. Scenes 1-6 are standard anime toll nearly to the point of being rambling, next to no occurrence that fortifies the characters connections to each other yet rather displaying what the set-up 'will be', to the point that there were a few times I sat there pondering precisely what the purpose of the show was if nothing was truly advancing. That was until the point when a specific bend conveyed toward the finish of the 6th scene that switches the whole set-up and making it in any event reasonably justifiable what was being incorporated with the primary portion of the show. The issue with this however is it's a twofold edged sword; as major of a move as it seems to be, it doesn't really shield the squandered capability of the entire first half. Since, rather than profiting by said move and making it essential, Charlotte chooses to determine said struggle inside a solitary scene pretty much.

What's more, that is a noteworthy issue I have with this show; almost each and every contention or issue that is raised is settled inside the limits of the scene it is displayed. Take the rambling idea of the principal half: Yu gets up, eats with his sister for holding purposes, goes to class, gazes at Nao, 'Such a mood killer!', eats with his beau, gets called to the understudy gathering, they go off on a mission, accomplishes something Angel Beast! esque, they finish 'capacity of the week' mission, Yu goes home, has more sister holding time, part credits. Never is a contention displayed here that parts over into another scene, other than perhaps Nao's more seasoned sibling, and even an occasion in which Nao is assemble tormented is never truly clarified or fleshed out, and only serves to additionally bond Yuu and Nao, yet ineffectively done. Indeed, even the significant move of scene 7 is settled by its fulfillment, with not very many repercussions following, which was HUGE squandered potential, yet more on that later. At that point, the following beat down is conveyed inside scene nine, in which a SECOND real move is made, however this one not an enthusiastic but rather a physical change to the status of the universe of Charlotte. Sadly, even this is settled by scene 10, the consummation of which left me truly pondering "Alright now what?" since there wasn't anything set up for them to stress over. Scene 11 brings around a completely new enemy comfortable end of the arrangement that truly has no name and is done off by the scene's end, while scene 12 happens totally in one single setting. None of this is genuinely spoiler data, as none of these circumstances are foreshadowed exceptionally well if at all at the outset fragments of Charlotte. Rather, it seems to be if the makers essentially made up whatever rung a bell scene to scene to scene, tossing in a little gut here and somewhat sentiment there at whatever point it felt like, and none of its solitary pieces meeting up to make a very much brought together entirety.

What's more, gracious, discussing gaps; this show contains more plot openings than swiss cheddar and less creativity than my jokes. Midseason time travel is tossed in, for goodness' sake! In any case, depend on it; this is no Steins; Gate. So huge is this plot blundering that a whole string in the gathering is devoted to pointing such occurrences out. Indeed, even in easygoing watching, without focusing on being excessively basic, it was difficult to stomach a few occurrences in which the characters would show thin thinking as an evident certainty. Take, for example, the scene in which they enroll a character named Yusarin. The reason this pop symbol is being constrained into stowing away is on account of she somebody took a few to get back some composure of an officials telephone and read some secret messages on it. This is all that is said regarding the matter and is to a great extent acknowledged by alternate characters in the show. Presently: why on this brilliant earth did she get this folks telephone, open it, read his messages, and afterward bring his telephone with herself (as she is still possessing it until the point that the scenes end)? How is that a typical thing to happen? Be that as it may, this level of Suspension of Disbelief is just a negligible shadow concerning what is normal. Without ruining anything, I can, in any case, make the point that Yu having recollections from the past, now non-existent self goes both absolutely unexplained and is out and out ludicrous, other than simply being outlandish. However, another case that goes 100% unexplained, yet rather is quite recently deferred as a 'Secretive fortuitous event'. I'm not going to spend whatever is left of this survey posting each such inconceivable occurrence in Charlotte, yet believe me when I say they exist in such barefaced sums that it's difficult to miss.

Furthermore, truly, on an entire, such a large amount of Charlotte goes unexplained that you simply kind of need to fill in every one of the gaps yourself or watch only for excitement purposes, without association with the characters. You may ponder internally that circumstances exhibited right off the bat will be tended to by the finale, however rather, the greater part of what occurs inside every scene neglects to get specified later, and the completion is, while somewhat intriguing, a full Deus ex-cop-out write in for the whole circular segment of the contention. It truly represents the most grandiloquent arrangement conceivable to the general issue to the show and consolidates a succession of occasions that could have been a whole anime unto itself into a solitary scene. Really, that may have been an additionally intriguing story...

And this wouldn't be an issue if there was, in any event, some kind of general message to it all, some very much coordinated character improvement, or valiant topic, however rather, the whole arrangement is only a surged continuous flow by the makers, with a buffet of characters who either serve just as entertainment or standard grub, and no enthusiastic profundity outside of a couple of stuns anywhere. At the point when as far as anyone knows real characters are just presented in the last quarter of the arrangement, there truly is no expectation at conveying a durable entirety.


The biggest issue of the arrangement originates from how they treat Ayumi's demise. Not the way that she died, but rather no, the way that she was permitted to return. Her demise was, whether anything, in any event, added truly necessary enthusiasm to the arrangement, and I was prepared for the following six or seven scenes to be Yuu's battle to return from that pain, with the assistance of his companions and possibly other capacity clients, and a cleaner handle on character advancement. Rather, inside three scenes, she's recently revived from the dead, and it's all great. How could that be even permitted? Where is the passionate profundity of her relinquish now? Since when somebody bites the dust, all things considered, they're dead. The end. You don't recover a go and re-try everything on the grounds that your secret sibling could backpedal in time. I needed it to be a decision for him, either to spare her, or not to, and leave reality as was it. Rather, the anime anticipates that you will simply acknowledge that even demise isn't sufficiently profound for this anime to overcome. Is there no regard to the dead? They could have in any event made the second half like his fizzled endeavors at attempting to spare her, inevitably going visually impaired from vanity, and Nao being the one to take him back to earth once more, completely understanding their relationship. Rather, they missed the whole second half for some fear based oppression plot and an admission less strong and sincerely moving than a dish of strawberry jello.


My closure point is the way that Charlotte is an anime of monstrous squandered potential. In spite of the fact that I do like Key works, sentiments, and every one of the things put into Charlotte (the reality they
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Should I watch Classroom of The Elite?

Classroom of the Elite: Review

Classroom of the Elite, in fact, overwhelmed me with a first scene that got a handle on my consideration. It happens in a renowned school where the great and the immense are isolated. Or, then again for this situation, the great and the awful.

Class D, the most noticeably awful one, is the principal center of the anime which comprises of the characters. Obviously, not being in class D gives you a feeling of predominance. Class D understudies are viewed as heaps of junk, I mean even the instructor thinks so as well.

It presents the point framework, which I assume is the money in the school (1 point being one yen). With the flexibility to purchase anything with focuses, there to be sure are a considerable measure of conceivable things you can do, since you were without given cash. Whatever you choose to do with the cash will most likely influence the class' standing. Along these lines class focuses becoming effective.

The class focuses depend on justifying, how great you are and how commendable you appear to be to the point of being applauded and additionally compensated. To demonstrate your value may demonstrate troublesomely, yet I figure that is the thing that the anime will indicate us sooner rather than later. How each character adapts to every circumstance and what they will take from every situation.

In such cases, it turns into a class exertion. Some may demonstrate justify, some may not. To the individuals who don't demonstrate any, might be the defeat of the class.

Welcome at that point… to the Class of the Elite. A not so totally unique anime, but rather adequate to include its own particular intriguing variables into it that gives us watchers something to anticipate.

The account of Inferior understudies ascending to the best. With it, comes Psychological considering and situations to make them think.

COTE strays from being totally nonspecific to being fascinating. Each character engaged me and I began to love them.

With the intriguing quotes toward the begin of every scene, to the unmistakable tone moves in the anime. I can state for one thing this, is unquestionably not a comic drama. It doesn't fuck around.

Kiyotaka and Suzune do appear to be the fundamental concentrations, which demonstrates each of their purpose of perspectives and how they see the school, or the class when all is said in done. The two aren't the best at conveying, and both are truly shrewd, which makes their connection fairly charming.

Suzune's objective is presented at an early stage in the anime, to get to the best. She believes she ought to be in such a Class, making her work additional difficult to ensure she picks up it. In any case, idk I find that the, "I will get to the best to demonstrate my sibling I'm not a total shitstain" thought process happens a ton. I'm not grumbling tho. Be that as it may, the sibling appears like an immense butt hole in any case.

I additionally see a considerable measure of worries with the eyes of the characters? I don't generally get it, for it's a standout amongst the most enchanting purposes of the anime and looks extremely decent for their character outlines. I can see that there was a considerable measure of detail and consideration when the eyes were made. I see it fit each character. Perhaps the eyes were excessively beautiful that it's diverting or something. That is all that I can consider yet that doesn't appear to be the situation.

The soundtrack is no issue. It truly stands out, yet makes a circumstance more extraordinary than it should be, however, makes it some way or another still proper for the present issue. I delighted in the snappy operation, the moderate completion, and the embed tracks in the middle.

In the event that there was anything I could whine about, perhaps it was a bit excessively unsurprising. I don't know whether that was done deliberately or not, but rather a few sections came to me as nothing unexpected and didn't feel fulfilling. Be that as it may, cooperations between each character are a rupture. Particularly a portion of the effects a few characters may have on the class or our MC's as a rule.

Another eventual in some cases, I simply don't get what certain characters are endeavoring to accomplish by doing what they're doing. I trust it gets clarified later on. It tends to likewise not remain steady with respect to the relativity of the mental inquiries inquired.

Development is great, the bearing is alright. I simply seek they lay out more data after us to see. Cuz I'm really intrigued into where they'll take this anime.

There is fan service all over. Yet, it's not very vigorously centered upon.

General it's a decent anime with a quite consistent pace and alright consistency. Not excessively to discuss but rather it's engaging with astonishing mental perspectives. Truly tho, something about the anime simply has that kind of awkward climate that makes you feel bizarre. I seek Lerche keeps up this quality after the rest of the show. It would be a disgrace if this went down the slope. Since obviously, this isn't the absolute best to turn out this season, how about we appreciate it for what it is.

Are for the most part people equal?

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Clean Freak! Aoyama kun (cleanliness boy anime)

Clean Freak! Aoyama kun

The handsome young soccer genius named Aoyama is a Japan representative. His play style is “cleanliness.” He doesn’t tackle and doesn’t head the ball. If he’s doing a throw-in, he’ll only do it if he’s wearing gloves.


Hilarious, serious and heart touching, Clean Freak is an anime about a soccer star who is a germaphobe (obsesses with cleanliness). We can say by the title of the anime that Aoyama is the protagonist but hot headed Kaorau can be argued to the lead character. The first episode starts off with Aoyama kun scoring a winning goal against an opposing team in a competition.  The crowd along with Aoyama’s teammates gots nuts and come running towards him to give him a hug but he dodges every single one of em quoting, “You know, I don’t mind you celebrating ….but can you please not hug me and stuff? You’ll get me dirty”.  Just this pretty much explains Aoyama Kun. 
Aoyama is extremely popular with girls and even guys at one point. The anime has a whole lot of weirdos, some juggle the in their butts whereas some just lift up their shirt and start to flex their abs as their talking. The anime is just so hilarious that if you are gonna watch it I just don’t want you to die. 



Aoyama kun has a huge fanbase with consists of both guys and girls. But all these people are just fans, nothing more. But there is one girl who is not just a fan but also loves and admires Aoyama kun. She is always watching over Aoyama in secret up until one incident where she gets caught by Aoyama cleaning the boys soccer clubhouse. Technically, she was cleaning the clubhouse and breaking in to show her admiration for Aoyama but she was doing it anonymously. When she gets caught by the whole team  she has to lie and tell them that she was doing it to be nice and help all of them. During the process of her ananomously cleaning the clubhouse she leaves a stuffed cat in Aoyamas locker which gets bigger as the days go by.

Unique traits:

I love the how the anime has a lot of chibi style in it because it just makes even the smallest things absolutely hilarious. 


The first two episodes of the anime were absolutely amazing but the author is gonna have to do some real hard work because even after 5 episodes the whole germaphobe thing could get real boring. Obviously the whole story can’t revolve around some Germaphobe dude who is good at soccer.

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What Is Up With The Evil Smirk On The Universe 9's Angels Face?

What is up everyone,
welcome if you directly came into this page and thanks for continueing reading if you came here from episode 98's review.

What Is Up With The Evil Smirk On The Universe 9's Angels Face?


Maybe the grand priest is planning to use the opportunity where the zen-oh's are off guard and eliminate them. Or, maybe they are just up to ruling over the universes.

Maybe the priests and the angels are just showing a threat to the universes and maybe they just want them to balance the power and lifeforms in their universe.

I don't know guys, what do u think about all these conspiracies that have been going around about the grand priest being evil and do u have a theory to add on to this post? if so please comment.
Thanks for reading,

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Goku V.S. Universe 9

I don't even know where to start today for this episode review series because this is probably the most amazing episode of any anime I've ever seen. it's just so unreal, breathtaking and so out of this universe. Hi everyone and welcome to another review series, today we're going to be discussing Episode 98 from Dragon Ball Super. Without wasting any time let's get right into it.


This episode of Dragon Ball Super takes place in the Tournament of Power. The episode itself starts off with a short conclusion from episode 97 where this alien creep is about to get out of the fighting arena as he's got Goku in a lock which Goku easily breaks by going blue.  By the time Goku is free he is already at the edge of the arena and he gets surrounded by The Danger'S 
Triangle. The three dogs from universe 9 surround Goku and almost overpower him because Goku doesn't go blue. Why? Because in such a tournament where senzu beans or other means of healing aren't allowed he can't afford to waste a lot of stamina at the very beginning. Seeing Goku struggling with what he considers weaklings, Vegeta steps in and gets Goku's back. Seeing this as a massive opportunity the Supreme Kai of universe 9 commands all the warriors to go after Goku and Vegeta because they believe that these 2 Saiyans are the most powerful fighters in universe 7.  Bad idea to forget about the evil Frieza.
Thinking that they have Goku and Vegeta under control, Universe 9 starts off by freezing Vegeta's hand which Vegeta uses to knock off Hop, he then takes care of Oregano who uses his thread to get a grip on Vegeta. Vegeta goes Super Saiyan and takes care of him along with Hyssop. Goku goes Super Saiyan also and takes care of Chappil.  Frieza plays with Comfrey and he is so scared that he goes flying to his universes immortals. Then there's Sorell who goes to the immortals at the very beginning. Now the only ones that are left are The Danger'S Triangle.  Goku and Vegeta now go blue and use the Final Kamehameha and overpower the mutts. The episode concludes with Zen-Oh samas erasing the universe and there being one less universe.


Which Universe Do You Think is gonna be next?
Universe 6 

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Is Luffy even gonna marry anyone?

Hi everyone and welcome back to another blog post. Today as you can probably tell from the topic itself, we're gonna be discussing who Luffy is gonna marry. Now, as all of us who have seen One Piece probably know, Luffy is this teen with a kid like attitude and makes decisions based on what he thinks is right. But when it comes to relationships, he's not interested whatsoever. I mean he is kind of interested but not really. This is what makes it so difficult to really figure out who Luffy is gonna end up marrying. I mean not even that, is he even gonna marry? avoiding that possibility lets get on with the two possible people that Luffy is gonna marry. 



This question kinda creates a Naruto situation with who Naruto was gonna marry. Some people argued saying that it was gonna be Sakura whereas some said it was gonna be Hinata. In One Piece tho Boa Hancock is kinda like a bold and not shy at all version of Hinata whereas Nami is kinda like Sakura but to our knowledge, she doesn't like anyone.


NAMI: Since almost everyone would compare Luffy with Roger and Rodger's wife kinda looks like Nami, people could easily just say that Luffy is gonna marry Nami. In the pictures below both, the females have strikingly similar looks and appearance.  Besides that Nami could be like Sakura from the outside but be like Hinata on the inside which would probably mean that Nami is gonna marry Luffy.


Boa Hancock is another possibility to who Luffy could Marry. Since Luffy is pretty dumb when it comes to things like that, he could easily get talked into marrying Boa by Boa herself of course. 

Of course, there are other female characters in the anime like Nico Robin but I don't think that Luffy would marry her. Not saying that that's not possible at all.


Looking at the reasons and all my explanation above, I think Luffy is gonna marry Nami because I think she might be a shy person on the inside and there will probably be some event that will make Nami confess herself to Luffy at some point.....


Thanks for sticking till the very end. Comment down below for more of my theories not saying that I'm as accurate as a scientist not that they are always accurate. but...

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The Best Gaming Anime?

Hi everyone and welcome back to the review series here at my blog. The last anime was not that much of an amazement but this one is a whole another story. It really makes you wanna watch and I can assure all you gamers out there that you are gonna absolutely love this stuff. I got so into it just by watching the first episode and I can assure that you’re gonna love it too. Besides being a gaming anime, it's got some comedy, action, adventure and a few more in it. When I was watching this anime, I could tell that it was not Japanese and I just did some research on it and found out that its  Chinese. That's about it for the intro from my part so let's get right into the plot:

In a world where gaming is considered to be a legit sport and the news cover and headlines are all bout gaming, GLORY seems to be a game loved by many. The game itself consists of servers where you can choose to play as alone or choose to play with friends. When everyone is ready you are sent to this VR world where you work together to complete a certain task or mission. Ye Xiu is the protagonist who is known as the best player or furthermore even the god of GLORY. The anime begins with him being kicked out of his team and his account being given away along with him signing a retirement form which won’t allow him to play for another year as a pro. Being a person who supported his life through gaming and had been doing it for 10 years, Ye Xiu goes to find a job in an Internet cafe as a night shift manager and just the games 10th server releases and he starts from the very beginning honing his skills as a beginner. He also meets the store's manager who seems to get along with him very well and they do have some quality time which leads me to believe that they are probably gonna have a little relationship. 

What was really unique about this anime is that from the protagonist’s perspective everything looks like a 3D game like COD, Far Cry, NBA, FIFA etc and ill show you just what I mean below.


Should I Watch The King’s Avatar?

YES. Whether you’re a gamer or not I think you’re definitely gonna love this Anime.

What would you rate this anime out of 10?

Probably 8.5, 10 being the best


If you have any other questions let me know and I will add them here.
That’s it for todays review, thanks for reading and follow me to get updated when I post my nest one.

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Should I Watch Sakura Quest?

Hi Everyone,
It's me Aabaran and I'm back with another anime review. I'm gonna be watching a bunch of anime and just checking out their first episode for a while and reviewing them so if there's any anime that you think I should watch let me know down below in the comment section. Without further ado, lets get right into it. The first anime which I pretty much just got done watching is:

SAKURA QUEST [ First Legit Comedy Comedy anime I've seen.]
First episode rewiew/summary.

Yoshino Koharu is a young girl trying to look for a job in Tokyo, but is only met with a series of rejections. However, she has a seemingly lucky break when she receives a job offer to work with the tourism board of the economically struggling Manoyama village as their "Queen". With no other choice, Yoshino accepts the offer and travels to Manoyama only to find out that she was hired based on a case of mistaken identity and that her contract term is for one year instead of the one day, as she had initially thought. With nowhere else to go, Yoshino reluctantly becomes Queen of Manoyama.
Sakura quest is an Anime about this girl named Yoshina Koharu who lives in Tokyo. Yoshina is extremely unlucky as far as the first episode goes because she gets rejected by 30 job places where she got interviewed. The episode starts off with her describing to her interviewers about this dream of her's where she gets crowned as a queen, and the job she's applying for is management. She obviously doesn't get the job but you don't find out in the first episode so keep watching to find out. That night she goes home and gets a call from this model company that she applied to a while back with one of her friends.  The guy kinda just talks her into doing it. The nest day she boards a train going to some place called Chupakabuara. This place is extremely rural and reminds her of her hometown which is the reason why she came to Tokyo. This is one of the reasons why she doesn’t like this place. She gets crowned the queen of the Chupakabura palace which is this weird looking building that apparently attracted a lot of tourists when it first opened. The whole point of this anime is probably gonna be about how Yoshina bring back the tourist attraction to this place.  SPOILER OPINION [SomethinG that I noticed was that the anime starts with could very well be the scene the anime ends with.] that's all I’m gonna say for now but let's get on with some questions that you might have about the anime…
NO. Personally, I thought that this anime is going to be a story like Cinderella or some other Disney cartoon. If you are a guy and you liked stories like that with a prince and a princess and a kingdom, it is probably a good anime for you.

YES/NO. You could be a girl and not like this anime because not all girls like an anime that is based on some kingdom.

I thought the anime had a pretty good sense of humor and according to the other reviews, I’ve seen from other people that have seen the whole thing so far it's apparently amazing. Definitely, give it a shot because you never know what kind of anime you’re actually a fan of.

Thats it for today. subscribe and +1 for more

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Top 5 anime of 2017


Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Super is a sequel show to Dragon Ball Z and presents the series’ first new storyline in 18 years. The story is set after eighteen years after the defeat of Majin Buu. The storyline is about a bunch of tournaments with a bunch of other universes for power. The first tournament was between Goku's universe and another universe called universe 6. The reward for the winners were super dragon balls. Filled with amazing and thrilling episodes is a must watch, which is the reason why it made this list. It has what i would call the best dragon ball z movies ever. Below are the links to both the movies reviews and the best websites to watch them in:
                               Resurrection F
                                God's of destruction

One Piece

One Piece is the 18th longest-running anime ever, and the fifth longest-running anime with episode lengths 25 minutes and over. Despite have some 700 episodes the show is not boring at all and the sense of humor, emotions, friendship, relationships etc are portrayed beautifully in this show. Currently, the Straw Hats, are up against one of the four emperors "Big Mom" who is a candy freak and has captured Sanji. 

Attack on Titan


Attack on Titan is originally a manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. Set in a world where humans lives in cities surrounded by enormous walls in defense against human-eating monsters called the Titans, the plot centers on Eren Yeager, his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and his childhood friend Armin Arlert. They join military to fight the Titans after one of them ate Eren’s mother. Season one aired on MBS between April 7, 2013 and September 29, 2013. Late lat year, Wit Studio and Kodansha Comics released the teaser trailer to the first scenes of the series’ second season. The series is received with widespread critical acclaim and is one of the best-selling mangas and most viewed animes of today. Kodansha, the manga’s publisher, credits Attack on Titan for the its first revenue increase in eighteen years.

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is an amazing anime. Having protagonist who has both the byakugan or something thats far beyond it and some of kuramas chakra in him,  Boruto is a spin-off of Naruto and the plot follows the lives of Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga’s son Boruto Uzumaki and his team of ninjas — the new generation of Ninja World. This includes Sarada Uchiha, the daughter of Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha, Mitsuki, the son of Orochimaru and more. This series will follow the ongoing sequel to the original Naruto anime, Naruto Shippuden.

One-Punch Man

If you’re a big Naruto or DBZ fan, then you will definitely enjoy one punch man. The story is about this bald dude who apparently lost all his hair due to his intense training of 10 km run, 100 pushups, 100 situps and a 100 squats which is hilarious. Known to be the strongest person ever known to mankind, defeating every one of the villans in one punch (where the anime gets its name) is what the anime is about.

Thats all for today. thanks so much for checking out this list. leave a +1 and share for more. comment and let me know if theres and anime u'd like me to watch or something i possibly missed in the list about. 
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